
‘Trespassing Bergman’ referred it's the most expensive film ever made in Sweden, the Swedish Film Institute spent their entire annual budget on just one film. 祖母Helena家的精美华丽与主教的白色地狱形成对比;188mins版经典三幕剧,瑞典版哈姆雷特,第一幕圣诞,Oscar病倒;第二幕葬礼&婚礼(how stupid Emelie is!),conflicts;第三幕逃离&复仇,新生。Alexsander能看见父亲的ghost,躲进箱子又出现在地板,火灾的幻视,和饼干盒摔在地板上,母亲没看到他,有些不懂,也许就是奇幻色彩吧

瑞典这个国家自由到有点不像话。172min版本+16min。三个家庭很像是三个国家。传递出人间百态。Outside is the big world, and sometimes the little world succeeds in reflecting the big one so that we understand it better. Or perhaps, we give the people who come here a chance to forget for a while , for a few short moments, the harsh world outside.//The world is a den of thieves and night is falling. Evil breaks its chains and runs through the world like a mad dog..Therefore let us be happy while we are happy.//Everything is alive.//Everything can happen. Everything is possible and probable. Time and space do not exist. On a flimsy framework of reality, the imagination spins, weaving new patterns.

Episode1 让我们这些逃脱这种命运的,唯有相互扶持,渺渺在公车被灌满JING液相信我,别指望他人会伸出援手。 祈祷,我们祈祷。 Episode8 精彩!情节冲突,人物裂变都集中在这里。看着超过瘾。 “他们不是因为恨我们而杀人,而是因为他们恨自己爱上我们的意义。” Episode9 本来免费就能获得的孤独感,为什么你要拿钱买呢?——我不是拿钱来买孤独,我是拿钱来买痛苦的期望。 如果你觉得膨胀了,就去海边,盯着看看就会感到自己的渺小。 看到你在月光下闪耀的样子,我才能死而无憾。 Episode10 舞会的全部真谛在于提醒你,你并不孤单。 是时候让你拥抱完整的自己了。 The world doesn't change, people change it. Love, faith, hope. (p.s.期待第三季)